Sustainability Stories – If Makes a Difference

At If, we work every day to build a safer and more sustainable society—for our customers, our employees, and the community as a whole. Sustainability is an integral part of everything we do, but some initiatives make us especially proud.

Our Sustainability Stories highlight projects where we take the next step in creating a more sustainable and future-proof society.

Join us on the journey!

At If, we take pride in contributing to a sustainable future through concrete actions and projects. From helping homeowners prepare for extreme weather to ensuring a responsible supply chain, we are actively working to address the challenges of tomorrow. Here, we share some of our most significant projects and how we are preparing for the future.

Together we prepare for extreme weather

Floods, heavy rainfall, and heatwaves are becoming more frequent due to climate change. As an insurance company, we witness daily how these weather events affect homeowners. That’s why we have expanded our House Check with new checkpoints to help customers prevent weather-related damages—making their homes more resilient for the future.

More about our House Check

Strong partnerships for a responsible supply chain

If has reviewed over 4,000 suppliers to ensure they operate responsibly and sustainably. Behind these numbers lies extensive work—not only identifying risks but also building long-term relationships. Creating a sustainable supply chain requires both clear standards and close collaboration. Meet our Sustainability Officer, Elvira Melin, and learn more about how she contributes in her daily work.

How due dilligence works at If

Building for the future – How we turned tragedy into hope

In June 2023, a wooden property from the 1800s in central Ronneby, Sweden, was devastated by a severe fire, leading to its total destruction. The house was insured with If and became the first building in Sweden to be part of the "Sustainable Construction" initiative. Together with the customer and local contractors, we launched a project to build for the future.

Follow the construction here

If joins research on climate adaptation

What are the most sustainable protective measures for safeguarding homes against extreme rainfall? In collaboration with researchers, If has investigated the most effective solutions—both environmentally and economically.

Read the whole report

If secures employees’ skills for the future

The job market is evolving rapidly, and continuous learning is essential to meet future demands. With our Growth Talks initiative, we inspire and support our employees in developing new skills to prepare for the future. Growth Talks is a key part of our sustainability efforts.

Growth Talks at If

Ifs role in a solar-powered future

As Europe accelerates toward a greener future, solar energy is becoming an increasingly central part of the energy landscape. But how do we ensure sustainability in the green transition without compromising security? At If, we are committed to supporting a brighter, greener future.

Our role in solar energy

Do you have questions about our initiatives?

Send e-mail to Jessica

Jessica Balksjö Nannini
Nordic Corporate & Sustainability Communication Strategist