Unregistered light electric vehicles with a speed exceeding 25 kilometres per hour or a weight exceeding 25 kilograms must be insured with motor third party liability insurance. Electric mobility devices include, for example, electric scooter mopeds, senior scooters and electric scooters.
Transportation devices for children must also be insured if they exceed the speed or weight limit.
For light electric vehicles weighing more than 25 kilograms or with a speed of more than 25 kilometres per hour, you can also take out Semi Casco insurance to supplement motor third party liability insurance with additional coverage. Keep in mind that after the change, such electric vehicles will not be covered by home insurance.
You should also note that the treatment expenses for an injury caused by an electric vehicle with motor third party liability insurance will be covered by that insurance, not your accident or sickness insurance. If you fail to take out motor third party liability insurance, you will not receive compensation from accident or sickness insurance.
It is worth taking out the insurance, as the Finnish Motor Insurers' Centre will charge a non-insurance fee for neglecting the obligation to insure that may be several times the amount of the insurance premium. Furthermore, you will not receive any compensation for injuries that you sustain yourself.