Here you can fill in the health declaration form for corporate health care insurance taken out by your employer. If you are an entrepreneur, you have taken it out yourself.
If the insurance is a private insurance (not a business insurance), please turn to our customer service for private customers, tel. +358 (0)10 19 19 19.
The health declaration forms are TSL encrypted.
- Select the correct health declaration form below in your preferred language.
- Usually, the first health declaration form on the list is filled in, e.g., when applying for a medical expenses insurance.
- If your application concerns death cover only, please fill in the last form. - Log in to the health declaration form using your bank identifiers.
- Please fill in the health declaration carefully. If you apply for insurance cover for death and want to name beneficiaries, please state their names in 'Additional information'.
- Once you have filled in the health declaration, please review the content before sending.
- If you want to, it is also possible to print or save the health declaration form.
- Send us the form online. You will receive verification that the form has been successfully sent.
- Send possible copies of relevant case history notes and medical statements to If. You can mail the documents free of charge when using the business reply mail address provided.
Problems with the form? If you cannot proceed to bank identification, it is likely that pop-up windows have been blocked on your computer.
Once you allow pop-ups, the forms should open correctly. Mac&Safari users can find the pop-up window settings in Safari-Preferences-Security. You can also try with another browser.
Please note that the applied insurance coverage will become effective no earlier than the day on which we received the health declaration you sent via our website.
If you have any questions concerning the health declaration, please call us at tel. +358 (0)10 514 2242 or contact business customer service.
Every link below will open in a new window.
Health declaration forms
Health declaration, illness and accident
Health declaration, only insurance covers for death
Terveysselvitys, sairaus ja tapaturma
Terveysselvitys, vain kuolemantapausturvaa haettaessa
Hälsodeklaration, sjukdom och olycksfall
Hälsodeklaration, enbart dödsfallsskyddet